Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training Consultants
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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services
Clients who have used our Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Solutions
SearchFlow wanted a bespoke SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 training solution against their organisational database.

This would enable their employees to modify existing reports and create a new suite of management information reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008.
The Audit Commission
The Audit Commission needed two training solutions:
  • An introduction to SQL course, and
  • A Bespoke SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 course
against their organisational database, following a data migration from and Oracle database to an SQL Server database.

This would enable their employees to recreate their orignal reports and create a new suite of management information reports using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008.

To read the full case study click here
NSI wanted a bespoke Crystal Reports 2008 course against their organisational database.

This would enable their employees to get a better understanding of Crystal Reports 2008, which would allow them to create their own reports with greater confidence and efficiency.

To read the full case study click here
Maitland Services Ltd
Maitland needed needed a report execution performance issue resolved

The solution was to provide a remote SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 report consultancy solution primarily to optimise the SQL statements of the report.

To read the full case study click here
BNL Bearings Ltd
BNL Bearing wanted a suite of management sales and budget reports designed from their bespoke ERP system, using Crystal Reports 2008.

This suite of management sales and budget reports was to look at the sales performance of the organisation by region, sales person, customer and part no.

These reports was designed to act as templates for a raft of reports, that allows the different hierarchy of management view the data to their specific needs.
Domestic & General
Domestic & General wanted a bespoke Crystal Reports 7.0 course against their call centre database.

This would enable their employees to get a better understanding of Crystal Reports 7.0, which would allow them to create their own reports with greater confidence.

To read the full case study click here
Integrity Office Ltd
Integrity Office Ltd, needed a report design flaw sorted as soon as possible for a client.

The solution was to work remotely and redesign the report in a number of versions of Crystal Reports.

To read the full case study click here
Sutton International
Sutton International, wanted to be able to create a number of operational and management information reports from their Oracle database, to meet the reporting needs of the organisation, using Crystal Reports 9, more effectively and efficiently.

The solution was to deliver individual on-site 1 to 1 bespoke training sessions to cover the specific topics that would be needed to allow the delegates to design and edit the reports required by the organisation.

To read the full case study click here
Highland Council
The Highland Council, wanted to be able to create a number of management information reports from their housing maintaince database, to meet reporting needs of the organisation, using Crystal Reports XI.

The solution was to deliver an on-site flexible bespoke course to cover the topics that would be needed to allow the client to design, create and edit the reports required by the organisation.

To read the full case study click here
The Passport Office
This client wanted to learn how to use the features of Crystal Reports XI, to extract, analyse and reports against their database.
Manchester City Council - Children's Services
This client wanted training on how to create professional looking reports, based on their Capita One database that stores and records all the childcare provisions for 2 and 3 year olds in Greater Manchester, as part of the government's Every Child Matters initiative.

To read the full case study click here
NCC Education
This client wanted two suite of management information reports designed from their bespoke tutor and student CRM system, using Crystal Reports XI.

The first suite of management information reports was to look at their operational side of the organisation, with regards to training centres and courses performances.

The second set of management information reports was designed to look at the student and examination workflows.
Sefton Metropolitan Council
This client wanted training on how to create effective Government defined Key Performance Reports using Crystal Reports, in a number of different departments
PrintPack Europe
This client wanted to learn how to create a suite of Human Resource related reports based on data from their Snowdrop Database, using Crystal Reports.
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
This client wanted training in Crystal Reports 10 order to create more professionally looking financial reports based on their Dream CODA financial system.

They also wanted to use Crystal Reports to create work flow documents to stream-line their financial procedures.
Mama's & Papa's
This client wanted a standard Introduction Crystal Reports 10 training course, to enable them to design, create and edit the required management information reports.
Derwent Shared Services
Derwent Shared Services needed to learn as much as possible about the functionality of Crystal Reports 10. Introduction and Advanced Crystal Reports 10 courses were delivered on-site, to enable the organisation to create and edit their management information reporting requirements.
HSBC Insurance
This client wanted to know answers to specifc design issues with regards to creating and editing management information reports, from their bespoke system.

Delivering a mixture of consultancy and small workshop the clients was able to find solutions to specific their report design issues and problems.
Premier Care
This client needed a dashboard of their financial information, with some interactivity.

The solution was to use Crystal Xcelsius 2008 to create a dashboard against their Microsoft Excel model, to display their monthly Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet and Cashflows, for the different arms of thier business.

To complete the solution a bespoke training course will be designed to show the key stakeholders how the financial model and dashboard was complied so that any changes could be performed in house.
Liverpool Associates on Tropical Medicine (LATH)
This client wanted to know how to create more professionally looking financial reports based on their Dream CODA financial system.
UHI Millennium Institute
UHI Millennium Institute required a Crystal Reports training course that would allow the UHI and its Academic Partners the ability to extract their data from various sources and use it to their advantage for marketing and statistical returns for Education.

Maximum Impact Solutions were asked to deliver a structured course that would take attendees from a very basic level of understanding of Crystal Reports to an advanced level within a very short space of time, 1 week.

The course layout and structure was very well designed and delivered the course in such a way that all attendees could easily absorb the information but enjoy the course as well. Something that all attendees said "made the course worthwhile".

To read the full case study click here
NHS - Derby
Derby NHS wanted to learn as much as possible about the functionality of Crystal Reports 10.

Introduction and Advanced Crystal Reports 10 courses were delivered on-site, to enable the organisation to create and edit their management information reporting requirements.
Ministry of Defence - Belfast
This client had a basis understanding of Crystal Reports. However the final reports created was not re-producing the same financial results as their old system. The MOD hired MIS on a consultancy basis to solve this problem.
Premex Services Ltd
This client required a suite of reports to be designed for the various arms of their operation.

The solution needed to integrate their bespoke CRM system with their SAGE accounting system enabling them access to vital organisation information.

Using Crystal Reports 10, a suite of reports was designed enabling the key stakeholders to have access to business critical information, to enable effective use of the organisational resources.

The reports also integrated analytical formulas and conditional formatting, which meant that further time was not spent further analysing the outputs of the database, and time sensitive issues were easily highlighted and identified, thus saving the end user significant time.

To read the full case study click here
Chester & Wirral PCT
Chester & Wirral PCT needed a specific suite of management information, performance and exception reports designed, as per their specifications, for their key care providers, from their patient database Carenotes, using SQL Reporting Services 2005.

These reports where then loaded to the Reporting Server, to allow users to view the reports on-line, and a number of subscriptions was set up to allow the automatic delivery of these reports to the key decision-makers of the trust at regular intervals.
Wrexham County Council
This client wanted a standard Introduction Crystal Reports 8.5 training course, to enable them to design, create and edit the required management information reports, based on data from their internal data sources.
Manchester City Council - Manchester Housing IT
This client wanted an effective training solution, to use Crystal Reports XI against their housing database system.

As a result a bespoke on-site Crystal Reports XI course was designed and delivered against their Civica Housing database, where some of their report needs was created during the course.
Royal College of Physicians
This client wanted a standard Introduction Crystal Reports 7.0 training course, to enable them to design, create and edit the required management information reports, based on data from their bespoke database
Clarke Energy
Following attending an Introduction Crystal Reports 8.5 training course, this client required some consultancy in how to best use Crystal Reports with their time management system.
Wirral City Council
This client wanted a standard Introduction Crystal Reports 8.5 training course, to enable them to design, create and edit the required management information reports, based on data from their housing database
Iceland (Deeside)
Osborne Clarke OWA
This client wanted a standard Introduction Crystal Reports 10 training course, to enable them to design, create and edit the required management information reports, based on data from their case management system
Friends Provident
This client wanted standard on-site introduction and advanced Crystal Reports 8.5 training courses, to enable their employees to design, create and edit their organisational reports.
Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training, Consultancy, Report Writing, Support & Maintenance