This week I had the task of replacing the soft top on my jeep.
Under normal circumstances, I am a believer in paying someone to do such things, but I was tricked by the sales woman, into believing that it would be so simple to replace and the instructions are fool-proof.
There in I made my first mistake......
"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious"
So not withstanding most of the screws had rusted into the car, the so called fool proof instructions, were so vague, the pictures meaningless, that one would need a degree in hieroglyphics and related to nothing I could see on my car.
So I guess my ingenuity let me down........again!
Frustrated 5 hours later I finally managed to replace the hood on my car, more by luck than by the "fool proof instructions".
The sense of accomplishment, triumph and elation soon replaced the cold fingers and back ache.
But this experience made me think:
- How effective have I been in communicating my instructions during my training sessions?
- How can I ensure that my delegates do not feel the same frustration I felt, during my training sessions?
- How effective are my How Tos and manuals?