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A man who does not think for yourself, does not think at all
Oscar Wilde
Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
Liverpool Business Connect Member
  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services

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A - Z of a Successful Freelance IT Trainer: I is for Isolation

There are many positives to be a freelance trainer, such as the freedom and being in control of your own destiny, but one of the downsides that a lot of freelancers complain about is the isolation.

Going from working in a busy training company and/or organisation environment to a freelance environment, which is normally a room in the attic or working from the garden shed, can initially be a bit of a shock to the system.

But remember as a freelance trainer your time is your own, and the only real person you have to answer to is yourself.

Gone are the structured days of Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm, you make your money when you can and your play when you are not making money.

The isolation should not be seen as a negative thing.

Being an anti-social animal, this is not one of the things that bother me that much, and I do personally crave the alone time and isolation where I can recharge my batteries and come up with new, creative and innovative ideas to deliver a fantastic training experiences for my clients.

On the rare occasions that this does happen, I tend to:
  • Pick up the phone and catch up with clients,
  • Network and/or connect with other freelance trainers
  • Go to a networking event,
  • Do some voluntary work or
  • Just get out and about.

There are so many things that freelance trainers can do, to reconnect with society, and keep the isolation at bay.

I would like to hear your comments, experience, opinions and thoughts about this subject, please drop me a line or two below:


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