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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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A - Z of a Successful Freelance IT Trainer: F is for FEAR

What is the BIGGEST obstacle to becoming a freelance trainer? FEAR!!!!

What is the BIGGEST obstacle to success? FEAR!!!!

Fear stops people from doing most things, moving forward, growing and reaping the rewards.

Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.

Fear is an negative irrational response to the unknown.

Some of the fears stopping trainers coming over to the freelance IT trainer side are. I am afraid that:
  •     I will not have enough money to live on

  •     There’s no work out there

  •     It’s the wrong time to become a freelance trainer

  •     I am not good enough

  •     I don’t know enough courses to make a living

  •     I have no contacts

  •     I cannot sell

  •     The phone will never ring

  •     What am I going to if I become sick

  •     I am too expensive, and will not get any work

Funnily enough all the fears are negative.

Granted I was more or less pushed into becoming a freelance IT trainer, as I was not happy working for a top 5 IT training company, I couldn’t find an IT training company I wanted to work for, and so I asked myself, “What are these training companies doing that I cannot do myself?”  The rest is history, but it was FEAR that stopped me becoming a freelance trainer earlier.

The only way to get over the FEAR, is to feel it, believe and have faith in yourself and your abilities and just do it any way.

Yes it is a big leap from the certainty, well near certainty, of a Monday to Friday, 9 – 5 monthly pay check, to working random days, but the biggest positive is that you are in control.

I love the fact that the harder I work, the more money I earn, and the converse is true, but that is my decision and I take responsibility for that.

I love the fact that I have full control over my life, I decide which days to work, who I work for, how much I charge and what I deliver.

In actual fact my customers do not choose me, I choose them

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