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Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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A - Z of a Successful Freelance IT Trainer: C is for Contracts

So you have set up as an freelance IT trainer, the next thing you do is look for some customer to buy your training solutions, whether you are an associate trainer or dealing with clients directly, sooner or later you will come across a contract to sign.

The rule of thumb with contracts is that whoever issues the contract normally has terms that are bias in their favour.

With regards to the contract as with all things they come in different shapes and sizes, but either way make sure you read all pages, even it if is a thesis and a half, because when things go wrong, it is the wrong time to find out that  legally you have no legs to stand on.

When signing an associate contract, the usual terms and conditions, are based on a self employment basis and include:
  • Who the contract is between
  • Fees
  • Invoicing and payment terms
  • Cancellation notice and payment structure
  • Liabilities for loss
  • Non client contact restriction
If you do not like the terms of the contract, then talk to the organisation to negotiate a better the position.

If you do not understand the terms of the contract, then talk to the organisation to clarify the position, or a solicitor.

If you still not happy, then simply do not sign the contract and walk away.

When dealing with your own direct clients it is worthwhile investing in proper legal documents, drawn up by a solicitor, rather than creating one for yourself, but the key things you will want to include:
  • Who the contract is between
  • Intellectual Property
  • The solution being provided
  • Delivery of the solution
  • Client obligations
  • The liabilities of both parties
  • Price and payment terms
  • Cancellation Policy

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