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Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have
Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
Liverpool Business Connect Member
  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services

The Maximum Impact Solutions Blog Feed ME!!!!


Goodbye 2010 - Its been a blast!!!!

It's the last day of 2010, and as such a time for a little bit of reflection.....

I love this time of the year, as it gives me time for me to push the pause button of my life, so that I can stop, think and reflect what I have been upto the last 12 months, and what I plan to do in the next 12 months.

Christmas is the time of the year that I personally look forward to, not because of the craziness of the commercialisation that has overtaken the season, but because this is the time of the year that I can slow down.

Maybe I was a bear or squirrel in a previous life, as I tend to like to hibernate, and let my body slow down, so it can rest, relax and rejunivinate for challenges and opportunities of the coming year.

It also allows me to remind myself what is really important, my friends, my neighbours and most of all ME.

I am not on Facebook, so do not have 100s of virtual friends, but I am lucky and thankful enough to have a finite number of real friends, who I know are there for me, love me and support me no matter what.

For me that is the best present that I give to my friends and my friends give to me.  We don't talk on a regular basis, but we are connected and are constantly in each other thoughts so  when we do talk we talk for hours and it seems we have just spoken a couple of days ago.

My body is the most amazing thing that I own, over the last 12 months, and I am lucky, thankful and grateful that it has allowed me to experience:

  • Excitement,
  • Sorrow
  • Exhilaration
  • Nerves
  • Happiness
  • Frustration
  • Fun
  • Shock
  • Childish Behaviour
  • Laughter
  • Pain
  • Wonder, and
  • Awe

So now as I enter the last few hours of 2010 and reflect, I thank everyone I came into contact with, helped and supported me in the last 12 months.

2011 is going to be an interesting and challenging year, but I am excited by what the future holds, just hope my body will allow me to get away with it!!

So on that note, I wish you all a really prosperous 2011, and I hope all your dreams come true.





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