Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training Consultants
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Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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How do I Calculate the Current month Start and End Dates in Crystal Reports?

A client recently asked me "How do I calculate the start and end date of the current month in Crystal Reports?"

To calculate the start and end dates of the current month, one can use the following formula:

Numbervar CurrentMonth := Month(CurrentDate);

Numbervar CurrentYear := Year(CurrentDate);

Datevar MonthStart;

Datevar MonthEnd;

MonthStart := Date(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1);

MonthEnd := Date(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1) -1;

"From " & MonthStart &" to "& MonthEnd


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