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How Do I Create a Custom Report Template in SQL Reporting Services 2005?

A client asked how does one create and use a custom designed report template in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005?

There are three stages to create a custom design template in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005

1.       Create the design report template
  1. Create a new project - From the File menu, select New - Project (Ctrl + Shift + N)
  2. Select the Report Server Project Template
  3. Name the project and define the project file location
  4. Create a new report - From the Project menu, select Add New Item (Ctrl + Shift + A)
  5. Select the Report Template option
  6. Name the Report
  7. Click on the Layout Tab
  8. Add the default report objects to the report canvas
  9. Save the report and close it down

2.      Copy the template report file to the SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 template folder
  1. Launch Windows Explorer
  2. Locate the folder that the template report is saved in
  3. Select and copy the file
  4. Paste the file in the folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\ProjectItems\ReportProject

3.       Use the report template file for new reports

In SQL Server Reporting Services 2005:
  1. Create a new report - From the Project menu, select Add New Item (Ctrl + Shift + A)
  2. Select the custom designed Report Template option
  3. Name the Report

The report will contain all the formatting and objects of the template


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