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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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How Do I Find Out When a Report was Last Run in Crystal Reports?

A client recently asked me "How do I find out which reports have not been run or used within a specific timeframe, in Crystal Reports?"

The easiest way is to create a new report in Crystal Reports.

  1. Create a New Blank Report

  2. In the Create Datasource dialog box, select the Create New Connection Option

  3. Press the [+] button by the File System Data option

  4. Double click on the Make New Connection option

    Crystal Reports File System Data dialog box

  5. Enter the required information

    Crystal Reports File System Data completed dialog box

  6. Press the Finish button

  7. Add the New datasource to the Select Tables (RHS) of the Database Expert

  8. Press the OK button

  9. In the Crystal Reports design view, Insert a group using the Directory field

  10.  Add the required fields, to the detailed section:

    • File Name
    • Last Accessed
    • Last Print Date

  11. Add a Select Expert for the report, based on the Last Accessed field, to find reports older than the specified date.


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