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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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A lesson in sales - Why do you buy the products and/or services you buy?

Why do you buy the products and/or services you buy?

Another story about my experience of sales, as a customer.

Recently through one of my networks, in invited a web designer company to have a look at my website.

In response he criticed it very harshly.

So I asked him:
  • How would he improve the website?

  • How long would it take? and

  • How much would it cost?

I received a very short email stating he would start from scratch, it would take a month and it would cost over £2000 + vat.

I thanked him his quote and informed him that I would not be taking it any further.

In response he asked for feedback, with regards to if the price was the deciding factor in my decision.

I replied it was not.

The fact of the matter was that my decision not to buy from him was based on:
  • His approach and rationale,

  • His lack of understanding and knowledge of how my business works, and

  • What the underlying functionality of the website was,

  • But most of all he did not ask me anything, he just produced a quote.

Personally I never buy products and/or services on price, as you get what you pay for, but this is no indication of the quality products/services that you get.

Why do most businesses only sell you a product/service they want you to buy, rather than a product/service you need to make things better/easier?

What influences your buying decisions?  

When you sell to your clients, do you use these factors in your negotiations?

What is your selling style, price driven or consultative?


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