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An exercise in understanding the Coronavirus COVID-19 Death Figures

I want to first of all start by saying that I am not a conspiracy theorist!!!

What I am is a business intelligence consultant that due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 lockdown, social distancing and some customers furloughing their businesses, means I now have some extra time on my hands.

Granted I have a natural dis-trust of government and politicians, regardless of which party they are part of, in general, as there does not seem to be an honourable one among them, but if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me, by adding their names and good deeds to my comments below.

With a curious mind and when this COVID-19 pandemic started to get some serious traction back in February - March to me the death figures in relation to infection rates did not make sense to me, along with the media hysteria.

So I decided to have a closer look at the total number of deaths in 2020 compared to previous years.

I wanted to know whether there was a significant increase in deaths week on week from previous years compared to 2020.

Office of Nation Statistics Total Number of Deaths for all Ages 2010 - 2020

Looking at the total number of deaths, for all ages from 2010 to 2020, notice anything interesting about the figures for 2020?

Well naturally this little insight peaked my interest, and I thought I would have a look at the total number of deaths due to respiratory, as according to the media, Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system.

Now without giving too much away, what would you expect the chart show for the year 2020?

If you follow the media logic, there should be an significant increase in Deaths where the underlying cause was respiratory disease, which has the classification  (ICD-10 J00-J99), even at the beginning of the year, even if one is not aware of a COVID-19 pandemic right?

Well lets see what the data shows.........

Office of National Statistics Total Deaths where underlying cause was respiratory disease

Well, well, well!!!!!

What can I say?????

The thing to note is that in the England and Wales Death Figures for COVID-19, started being recorded in week 11, 13th March 2020 with 5 deaths, and then in week 12, 20th March 2020 103 deaths.

It kind of makes you wonder and question what is really going on with this Coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Now remember that Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister declared the COVID-19 a pandemic on the 15th March 2020, and the national lockdown started from the 20th March 2020.

What are your thoughts on this?

Please add your comments/thoughts below


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