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Freelancer Origins

With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) playing havoc around the world, life as we know it has ceased to exist, as we all go into lockdown.

Suddenly most of my contracts and projects have either been postponed or cancelled, and I now find myself with more time on my hands!

It's at this point I start asking those silly little questions like....

What is the origin of the word Freelancer?

A quick search on Google, and it seems that the earliest reference for the word freelance was in the early 1800s, from the feudal lord Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, where he makes reference to his paid army of "free lances"!

The origins of the word freelance, a knight that was not affiliated to a feudal lord

So they were medieval mercenaries who would fight for which ever nation or person who paid them the most.

Fast forward to the 21st century, the freelancer refers to a person who works on their own terms, without any permanent or long term commitment to a single employer.

So we are kind of like a corporate mercenary!!!

What do you think of that?

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