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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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How Do I Exclude Blank Lines in Concatenated Fields in SQL Server Reporting Services

The Issue:

During a recent consultancy the client asked how they could exclude spaces in their address concatenated fields, due to missing data, in SQL Server Reporting Services.

The Solution:

Create an expression formula that checks to see if the address fields are empty, before adding them into the formula:

=Fields!CompanyName.Value & vbcrlf &

TRIM(Fields!Address_1.Value) & vbcrlf &

IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!Address_2.Value) OR Fields!Address_2.Value ="", "",

TRIM(Fields!Address_2.Value) & vbcrlf) &

IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!Town.Value) OR Fields!Town.Value ="", "",

TRIM(Fields!Town.Value) & vbcrlf) &

IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!City.Value) OR Fields!City.Value ="", "",

TRIM(Fields!City.Value) & vbcrlf) &

IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields!County.Value) OR Fields!County.Value ="", "",

TRIM(Fields!County.Value) & vbcrlf) &



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