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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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The Locate Table Crystal Reports Feature

Recently I have been working on a ERP Crystal Reports 2008 Report Design project, where most of the reports contain a large number of tables.  The Locate Table feature of Crystal Reports, was an absolute god send when linking the tables together.

What is the Locate Table feature?

The locate table is a feature that has existed within Crystal Reports from at least version 8.0, within the Visual Linking Expert dialog box, or the Databse Expert dialog box, in newer  versions of Crystal Reports.

It highlights a specific table or view within the dialog box, thus making it easier to find, which linking and/or browsing table fields.

To Find a Specific Table or View - Crystal Reports pre version 10
  1. Activate the Visual Linking Expert dialog box
  2. Right click on the Canvas
  3. Select the Locate
  4. In the Choose Visual Linking Table dialog box, select the required table/view
  5. Press the OK button

Crystal Report highlights the table creating a flashing lime green outside border

To Find a Specific Table or View - Crystal Reports versions 10 - 2011
  1. Activate the Database Expert dialog box
  2. Right click on the Canvas
  3. Select the Locate Table....
  4. In the Locate Table dialog box, select the required table/view

    Crystal Report highlights it within the Database Expert dialog box

  5. Press the Done button to close the Locate Table dialog box

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