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Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
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A - Z of a Successful Freelance IT Trainer: Z is for Zest

As a Freelance IT Trainer, your training proposition should be like lemon zest.

This is the last post in the A - Z of a successful freelance IT trainer series blog.  I admit, I really struggled to come up with an appropriate word for Z.

But in researching and putting this final post together I eventually decided on Zest:

Being a Successful Freelance IT Trainer  

The Definition of Zest:

n. Enjoyment; Excitement, Interest, Flavour;

Peel of orange, lemon or lime

Being an independent freelance IT trainer is exciting, it means that one gets to make the rules, as well as beinging one's own flavour to things, while generating interest in both oneself and the services and products one delivers to a myriad of clients.

One can think outside the box, under the box, or nowhere near the box, it down to you.  One can be zippy enough to change and adapt to new opportunities, over delivering and providing real customer service both before and after the training event.

As with most things, there is an element of uncertainity, but the control over one's own destiny brings little excitement to the table, not to mention the challenges of delivering courses on-site, can in itself add something interesting to the mix.

Typically in aromatherapy, the oils from the zest of the citrus fruits are used to uplift, revitalise and energise, and as trainers this is what our training solutions should be delivering to our clients and/or delegates.

To be truly successful in anything one MUST enjoy what one does.  

Enjoyment and happiness is contagious, and your delegates will pick this up and will respond accordingly.

Passion goes a long way, and when you have passion for something it is easier to sell to customers, and it is also easier for them to buy into what you are selling.

I hope you have found this series useful.

If you missed any blog post in this series, they can be found here

I would like to hear your comments, experience, opinions and thoughts about this subject, please drop me a line or two below:


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