Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training Consultants
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Fail fast and fail often
T. Watson
Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
Liverpool Business Connect Member
  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services

The Maximum Impact Solutions Blog Feed ME!!!!


A - Z of a Successful Freelance IT Trainer: Y is for Yes

Yes is such a small word, but to the freelance IT trainer, it means all the difference.

One of the biggest shocks to being a freelance trainer, is that the regular 9 to 5, goes straight out of the window.  No two weeks will ever be the same, and no day will ever feel like deja vu.

One has to be agile and flexible to take advantage of the opportunities that come out of nowhere, but moves you closer to your goal.

This is the power of the YES!!!!

I find the more I say yes to things the more opportunities I find on the phone and my inbox.

My journey started when I told me friend that I was thinking about becoming a freelance trainer, and she asked if I wanted her list of contacts.

I said Yes.

I hate cold calling, but I asked myself if I was upto the challenge of contacting the 17 names on the list?

I said Yes.

I phoned every number on that list, and one asked could I meet them in Hull, for an informal meeting/chat?

Hull is at the opposite end of the M62, from where I live.

I said Yes, and she became my first client.

The rest is history, but suffice to say, over the years whenever I am asked or given the opportunity to do things, even things that scare me, really move me out of my comfort zone, if I cannot think of a reason not to do it I say YES.

Granted it has got me into some sticky and tricky situations, but I have always learnt more from the experience than I have lost, and besides that's half the fun.

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