Crystal Reports & SQL Reporting Services Training Consultants
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Institute of IT Trainers - Freelance Trainer of the Year 2006 & 2009
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  Maximum Impact Solutions Limited - Reporting Solutions, Creating Answers
Reporting Solutions - Creating Answers, Crystal Reports, Dashboarding (Xcelsius) & SQL Reporting Services
Maximum Impact Solutions News & Developments

Weavervale HA - SQL Reporting Services 2012 Report Writing Project

We are pleased to announce that Maximum Impact Solutions has been awarded a SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 report writing contract with Weavervale Housing Association.

This will be an going Data Analysis and Report Writing project which will be delivered both onsite and remotely to create the following solutions for the organisation:

  • Creating effective SQL statements, to improve report compilation performance

  • Create a suite of reports for the finance department to improve debt management inline with the new changes coming in with the universal credit,

  • Create a suite of reports to improve and track the management of voids,

  • Create a suite of reports to manage the repairs teams, and

  • Create a suite of management/operation reports to give better transparency of the business, w.r.t income and expenditure

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us

Added: 12/02/2016
